13 Common Tools for Every DIY Enthusiast – 2023 Guide

Some essential tools for DIY projects include a table saw, nail gun, hammer, chisels, screwdrivers, handsaw, drills, tape measures, pliers, and knives.

DIY projects can be simple tasks, such as creating a beautiful scrapbook. But there are other people who like to take their skills to the next level and even do DIY home renovations. No matter how big or small your project is, you will always need some tools to work with.

Different projects require different tools, but there are some common tools that can be used in almost every DIY project. In this article, we are going to talk about common tools you might need for your next DIY project.

1. Table Saw

img soruce: bobvila.com

This one is an essential tool for all woodworking enthusiasts. Whether you want to make a chair, a door, or a table, you will need to accurately cut a piece of wood and properly shape a plank. The best tool for precise woodcutting is a table saw.

You will get a clean cut with no bent or damaged edges. So, if you are into woodworking visit woodworkingtoolkit.com you should definitely have a table saw in your woodworking toolkit.

2. Moisture Meter

img source: delivita.com

This is another woodworking tool that you will need for DIY projects. The main purpose of this tool is to measure the moisture level of the wood. If the wood is too moist, it may rot quickly and give off a bad odor.

The meter helps identify the amount of moisture so you can determine if you should use the wood or not.

3. Hammer

img source: hugosworkshop.co.uk

Hammers are the most common household tool. You can use it to drive nails into a plank of wood or any other surface, or apply direct force to something and give it the desired shape.

A hammer has a lot of uses and it is recommended that you get a hammer even if you are not currently working on a DIY project. It will be useful in one way or another in the future.

4. Knives

img source: food52.com

There are different types of knives. For instance, you will be using chef knives or small cutting knives in the kitchen but for woodworking, you will need carving knives. For small DIY stuff, there are plenty of utility knives that can be used as multipurpose tools.

5. Clamps

img source: bahco.com

If you want to hold two things together as you work on them, you need to use a good clamp. They make sure that the objects do not wobble while you work. There are three types of clamps out there; they are the C-clamp, the F-clamp, and the Pipe Clamp or Bar clamp.

C-clamps are used to hold smaller things together. F-clamps can hold medium-sized objects and for larger pieces of wood or iron or other objects, you need a bar clamp.

6. Pliers

img source: bahco.com

Not all DIY projects are done with paper or wood. Some DIY projects need you to work with wires and cables. To cut wires and cables to your desired length, you need pliers. Aside from just cutting, you can use pliers to grab, pull apart, or twist things. In short, pliers are a mix of clamps and wrenches and have sharp edges to cut wire.

7. Tape Measures

img source: artnews.com

You need to measure the objects that you are working with to make sure they are of the right size. Even an inch of imbalance can destroy the integrity of your project. Accurate measuring is the basic foundation of any DIY project and for this, you need a tape measure.

8. Chisel

img source: bobvila.com

This is your go-to tool when you want to carve something such as wood or stone. You can carve wood with any standard chisel.

Carving stone requires stronger and more durable chisels because you will need to use them in tandem with a hammer. And for cutting metal, you have to use both cold chisels and hot chisels.

9. Screwdrivers

img source: bobvila.com

Screwdrivers are ubiquitous tools found in almost every household. You can use it to tighten up screws and nails. There are different types of screwdrivers out there.

There are the flatheads, Phillips, interchangeable and magnetic screwdrivers. Flatheads are small while Phillips can be both small and large. Interchangeable ones have different patterns on them and you can use whichever one you like.

10. Nails and Screws

img source: 123rf.com

What good is a screwdriver if there are no screws or nails? If your DIY project needs to firmly attach things together, then you need some strong and sturdy nails. You can use a nail gun to install nails in your DIY project, or you can use hammers and screwdrivers as well.

Be sure that you are choosing nails of the right length. If it is too long, it will stick out; if it is too short, it will not be able to hold things tightly.

11. Nail gun

img source: wikimedia.org

There is not much to say about a nail gun apart from the fact that it is used to drive nails into objects. Using a hammer or a screwdriver can be tiresome and can strain your hands.

But if you have a nail gun, you can load some nails into its magazine, press it against an object, and pull the trigger to easily drive nails into a wide variety of surfaces.

12. Handsaw

img source: cottagelife.com

The basic woodworking tool that every woodworker must-have.

If you are a beginner to DIY woodworking projects, then you cannot use advanced saws such as a table saw, a miter saw, or a circular saw. Those tools are for professionals only. For your everyday or casual use, a handsaw is more than enough.

13. Drills

img source: festoolusa.com

You can use it to create a hole in the wall so that you can install a pin and hang a picture on it. Some creative people can use drills in various creative ways. They use drills to cut through thin wood or stone.

There are corded and cordless drills. Cordless ones run on batteries and are easier to maneuver; on the other hand, corded ones need to be connected to an electrical outlet but are usually more powerful than cordless drills.

Final Thoughts

Tools have made our lives easier by increasing our work efficiency and boosting productivity. This is why you must have some common and essential tools in your house, especially if you are a DIY enthusiast.